How to Become a Connecticut Yankee

But, I do not intend to join King Arthur´s court.

Location: Connecticut, United States

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It´s awfully cold in here

The oil company messed up and forgot to deliver oil to our house and we ran out of it today. It´s -14° outside and when a guy from the oil company finally turned up the heat inside of the house was down to 11°. It takes a long time to heat it up again and now it´s been 2 hours since the guy brought us the oil and it´s up to 13° now.

We called the guy who handles our affairs at the oil company and our next delivery is going to be a lot cheaper than usually and because of this they´re going to have to give us a free tune up, which we needed anyway.

But it´s awfully cold in here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

celsíus eða farenheit??:-)

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

úff, það er kalt!

10:17 PM  

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