How to Become a Connecticut Yankee

But, I do not intend to join King Arthur´s court.

Location: Connecticut, United States

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Should I be worried when an Afghan recipe says the eggplant should be fried until it´s golden brown! Anyway, it´s a great recipe book we discovered after eating at an Afghan restrauant in West Hartford. Óli take notice, fancy kebabs.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It´s awfully cold in here

The oil company messed up and forgot to deliver oil to our house and we ran out of it today. It´s -14° outside and when a guy from the oil company finally turned up the heat inside of the house was down to 11°. It takes a long time to heat it up again and now it´s been 2 hours since the guy brought us the oil and it´s up to 13° now.

We called the guy who handles our affairs at the oil company and our next delivery is going to be a lot cheaper than usually and because of this they´re going to have to give us a free tune up, which we needed anyway.

But it´s awfully cold in here.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


We took a drive on the Cadillac up to Vermont yesterday. It´s beautiful up there! One of the best things is that it seems like they´ve been untouched by big business up there. No Wal Mart, Kohl´s or Barnes and Noble´s to be seen. There´s even some wilderness to be seen.

We came to this really weird area in a town called Brattlesboro. There were these upscale Townhouses, wich are expensive apartment buildings, a Trailer Park and this Diner

Diners are not exactly known for fine dining. Anyway Brattlesboro is a really cool town. Kind of like a miniature Northampton.

On the way back we stopped by in Northampton and went to Dynamite Records, our favorite record shop. We bought the new
Cat Power record The Greatest, a record with The Ventures and another one with The B52´s, the one that has Rock Lobster on it.

Lately we´ve been listening a lot to the new record withThe Shins it´s great. Their best one yet in my opinion.

I have been cutting down on my smoking lately and for the past week I´ve been getting closer to only smoking half a pack a day. I reached that goal yesterday! What´s more, I´ve only smoked 5 cigarettes today, without any effort.