How to Become a Connecticut Yankee

But, I do not intend to join King Arthur´s court.

Location: Connecticut, United States

Monday, May 07, 2007


I´m not voting but took this test for the heck of it. The reason for me not voting is that I would have to take a day of from work to go down to NYC and vote and I just don´t feel like dealing with that.

Stuðningur við Sjálfstæðisflokk: 31.25%
Stuðningur við Framsóknarflokk: 50%
Stuðningur við Samfylkinguna: 75%
Stuðningur við Vinstri-Græna: 31.25%
Stuðningur við Frjálslynda flokkinn: 49%
Stuðningur við Íslandshreyfinguna: 60%

Skoðanir þínar eru í mestu samræmi við skoðanir Samfylkingarinnar!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Nice Day

Yesterday was a nice day (apart from the $300 cell phone bill). My boss came to me just before lunch to tell me how pleased he was with my work and told me I´m getting a raise.

When I came home we went out to do yard work after supper. I mowed, Rebecca cleaned out flowerbeds and B cleaned out the fireplace in the backyard and around it. Then in the twilight we started a fire and roasted marshmallows on a branch from a tree. And when I was taking hey and leafs to the compound by the edge of the woods I saw a Bobcat! Very cool.